Lightning AI

Welcome to Lightning AI ?

where cutting-edge AI meets blockchain technology.
Our $LIGHT token powers a suite of tools designed to elevate your crypto experience, from an AI autosnipe bot to a pioneering AI launchpad.

Join us in reshaping the future of digital assets with security, efficiency, and unparalleled growth opportunities.

About Us

At Lightning AI, we're driven by a vision to integrate AI's transformative power with blockchain's decentralization. Our team of experts has crafted a platform that not only anticipates the needs of the crypto community but exceeds them, offering innovative solutions to ensure your digital asset journey is secure, profitable, and ahead of the curve.

How It Works

Lightning AI, with $LIGHT token, brings a suite of AI-powered tools designed to revolutionize how we interact with digital assets on Solana.

The heart of Lightning AI's innovation lies in its powerful AI autosnipe bot, a tool designed to give traders an edge by automatically identifying and seizing lucrative opportunities the moment they emerge.
Moreover, its AI launchpad serves as a springboard for promising projects, ensuring they receive the visibility and market support needed to thrive.


• AI autosnipe bot
• AI launchpad
• AI blockchain analytics
• Rugcheck & TTF integration
• Rev share
• OG nfts
Launchpad is developed over 1M mcap
Lightning AI Bot development is started after launch